
This tool presents a four-step purpose driven climate impact assessment to assess the full climate impact from a company. Such an approach is important for three reasons.
First, it broadens the focus beyond the product a company provides to also include the system delivering relevant impact, as well as the way a company delivers on human needs and how it changes structures and values in society. In this way the assessment provides a unique insight into how the company support, or undermine, a 1.5 °C global sustainable future. Current assessments that focus on companies reducing their own emissions can provide relevant insight, but also limit the focus to one where the best a company can do is to reduce emissions from current operations to zero, rather than developing globally sustainable system that support a future where 11 billion can live flourishing lives.
Second, it provides an opportunity to better understand purpose driven companies with business models based on the goal of improving society in a sustainable way. It can also help companies become purpose driven by highlighting how it can use the need for sustainable solutions that deliver on human needs as a driver for innovation.
Third, it can help stakeholders such as incubators, investors, and regions/cities to support globally sustainable solutions and support purpose driven companies.
This tool is based on the report “Full Climate Impact Assessment – For Companies with Solutions”.

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