Product/service: Sustainable protein
At the product level, the innovator’s production of a fungi based protein for human consumption is in focus. Emissions from other protein sources wood extraction, based on market statistics from OECD and FAO, are used to establish the base case, in which beef and poultry are assumed to be the main sources of protein being substituted. In the counter factual case, the protein is provided by Mycorena’s Promyc product, based on various energy sources used for production, representing different current and possible future energy mixes.
In 2024, a 1.5 °C compatible scenario assumes the market addressed uses Promyc produced using 100% hydropower in Sweden, where the factories are based. In the 2030 and 2100 scenarios, 40% is assumed to be produced from net-positive energy sources, including 10% with zero-emissions transportation.
Under these scenarios, avoided emissions are approximately 4 MtCO₂e per year in 2030, and 5 million hectares of land use are avoided due to the decreased land used by agriculture and cattle production.