Since its founding in 2017, Mycorena has become one of the fastest-growing companies in the food industry and is recognised as one of the leading Foodtech start-ups in Europe. On a mission to change the entire food industry, Mycorena develops innovative fungi technology to provide next-generation food ingredients. The flagship product Promyc is a proprietary mycoprotein ingredient with unparalleled qualities. The qualities of Promyc in terms of taste and texture compared to plant-based proteins make it a serious contender in the alternative protein segment.
Product/service: Sustainable protein
At the product level, the innovator’s production of a fungi based protein for human consumption is in focus. Emissions from other protein sources wood extraction, based on market statistics from OECD and FAO, are used to establish the base case, in which beef and poultry are assumed to be the main sources of protein being substituted. In the counter factual case, the protein is provided by Mycorena’s Promyc product, based on various energy sources used for production, representing different current and possible future energy mixes.
In 2024, a 1.5 °C compatible scenario assumes the market addressed uses Promyc produced using 100% hydropower in Sweden, where the factories are based. In the 2030 and 2100 scenarios, 40% is assumed to be produced from net-positive energy sources, including 10% with zero-emissions transportation.
Under these scenarios, avoided emissions are approximately 4 MtCO₂e per year in 2030, and 5 million hectares of land use are avoided due to the decreased land used by agriculture and cattle production.
System of use and delivery on human needs: Healthy meals
At the system level, healthy meals are in focus, with the bases cases including proportions of different meal types, including a high meat diet, a baseline average diet based on consumption in developed countries, a 50% reduced meat diet, an octo-lacto vegetarian diet, and a classic vegan diet. A shift towards the baseline average is assumed to occur in 2030, followed by a shift to reduced meat, and non-meat diets in 2100.
In the counter factual / innovation case, some meals are assumed to shift to fungi-based protein from Mycorena. Under a 1.5 °C compatible scenario, avoided emission are approximately 15 MtCO₂e per year in 2030, and 5 million hectares of land use per year are avoided.
Impact on human needs and flourishing lives
Based on assumption of future production of Promyc, the number of people who can be fed with Promyc protein is estimated, and less than half of these are assumed to be inspired to make other lifestyle changes, leading to more flourishing lives, with a shift from a Western average lifestyle to a EU average lifestyle for the majority, and more sustainable lifestyles for a smaller subset, leading to avoided emissions of 23 MtCO₂e per year in 2030.
Influencing society, it’s values and structures
Product feedback may be very weak initially, but developed by 2030 to a very strong low-carbon feedback, through the development of healthy meals in collaboration with clusters of partners.
Infrastructure feedback may lead to weak low-carbon feedback initially, due to a high energy reliance, however there is a potential for this to become very strong low-carbon feedback by 2030, as net-positive energy factories can be produced.
Institutional feedback may provide strong low-carbon feedback already in the short-term as advocacy work for a 1.5 °C / half-earth compatible future can be supported by Mycorena a leading stakeholder in nutrition.